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It must have been difficult narrowing the selection down to just a dozen features, considering Garry's Mod has been around for 15 years now. You'll also see Ross Scott's comedy series Civil Protection, moody sci-fi drama Shelf-Life Part 1 and Part 2, the gorgeously atmospheric 40-minute long film Haven, and several other notable machinima highlights, all made with Garry's Mod, the physics sandbox created by Garry Newman and Facepunch Studios way back in 2004. The page displays some amazing Garry's Mod creations, like 'Half-Life: Full Life Consequences'-a charmingly awful story written by a author named squirrelking and turned into a hilarious and unforgettable short film by YouTuber Djy1991. There's a fun holiday surprise over on the Garry's Mod website called the 12 Days of Garry's Mod.

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